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The King of Love My Shepherd Is - KINGSFOLD (2-Part with piano/band)

How Can I Keep From Singing (SSAA, Piano)

How Can I Keep From Singing (SSAA, Piano)

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How Can I Keep From Singing (SATB, Piano)

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There Is A Fountain Filled with Blood (STB a cappella)

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Ave Maria - Schubert - Vocal Solo and Strings

Two Advent Carols from the Shape-Note Tradition (SATB, Piano, and optional Handbells) Two Advent Carols sample, page 2.png

Two Advent Carols from the Shape-Note Tradition (SATB, Piano, and optional Handbells)

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Away in a Manger - Women's/Children's Voices, Chamber Orchestra (Copy)

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Wexford Carol - (Lead, SATB and Strings)
